Who I am is in many ways inseparable from my relationship with my family. I expected to be a bit sad at the airport...didn't expect to need a box of tissues though!! I find myself very thankful for the wonders of technology - we're skyping every day (sometimes while standing in front of retail stores and borrowing their wifi!) and just sharing the little things. I'm VERY thankful for the rest of the family who have gathered around Fiona and the boys...esp as they're sick at the moment. But the distance has me thinking a lot about how thankful I am for them and the way they shape me, and how much time and intentionality I give to them.Generosity
There as some smells that can permeate a whole house and linger long after the event. For me, cooking with fennel comes to mind (our fennel, almond and salt toffee brittle is legendary!) but you might have another example...whatever works for you! It seems like each time I interact with Sovereign Grace ministries, the fragrance of generosity seems to permeate through everything. Its not that there was any specific content on generosity during the event. Its just seems to seep through everyone who I came across - through little interactions and conversations and acts. I really thank God for those who have modelled and nurtured this culture in the Sovereign Grace movement, and I really hope some of it continues to rub off onto me...and rub off me!Identity
"But what about the talks?" you say! Craig Cabaniss spoke on the first night from John 4 on being "Faithful to receive". (You can find all the talks linked here) Its amazing how you can know a story or scripture so well - I've even preached a few times on this passage - and yet be so convicted by it again! Here's a few things that stuck with me...- The whole story is recorded to show us how the Father is seeking this case the woman and her village...and gender and religious and racial barriers are no barriers to that quest. Are we willing to cross barriers in our context to seek worshippers for God?
- The DNA, or primary identity, of a Christian is one who receives...not one who does. I think we often understand that we're saved by receiving grace...but how much do we actually think and act like the rest of our life is centered around receiving from God as well?
- We are not the originators of worship. God is. Worship is our response to his overflowing abundant love and generosity. But how often do we attempt to create worship...through picking the right songs, or through our passionate leading, or whatever it is for you??
- How do we position ourselves - individually and as churches - to be receivers of God's love and blessing, and then let that overflow in acts of abundant worship?
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